Meetings and Programs

Our branch holds monthly membership meetings from September through May, which include programs on topics such as women’s issues, history, education, international relations, arts, and public policy.  The branch also holds a special fundraising luncheon in the spring.  Guests are welcome to all activities.  See below for descriptions of the programs as we hold them, from September 2024 through May 2025.

Monday evening meeting schedule (unless otherwise noted):
6:30 pm – Social Time
7:00 pm – Business Meeting
7:30 pm – Program

Saturday morning meeting schedule (unless otherwise noted):
10:00 am – Social Time
10:30 am – Business Meeting
11:00 am – Program

Meetings from September 2024-December 2024 will take place at:
The Community Foundation of McHenry County
Crystal Lake Room
33 E. Woodstock St.
Crystal Lake, IL   60014

Meetings in March 2025 and May 2025 will take place at:
Algonquin Township
3712 Northwest Hwy
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

February 8, 2025
Field Trip and Meeting

Program Description:
Members will visit McHenry County College’s Upward Bound students and faculty. Nancy Middleton will provide a brief introduction on AAUW to the group, we will see a PowerPoint presentation highlighting Upward Bound, and listen to a few students as they share their personal stories.

The MCC Upward Bound assists students, grades 9 through 12, in completing high school and pursuing a college degree. The program provides an array of support services and resources, so students may be prepared and successfully access postsecondary opportunities. Program services are free for Upward Bound students and are offered during and after school.

December 9, 2024

Meeting, Program, and Bake Sale






Join us for our annual holiday season bake sale, and program featuring music by Pat Gaughan.

Pat Gaughan, known for her rich voice and intricate guitar playing, is a musician who has performed throughout the Midwest on the folk circuit for many years, presenting programs of traditional Irish music, folk, and original compositions.

Pat’s music has been played on public radio stations in the United States and in the U.K. and she has appeared live on numerous radio folk programs including “Higher Ground”, “Hotel Milwaukee”, Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Simply Folk”, WFMT and WDCB folk program. She has a Masters of Music degree, and in addition to performing has taught guitar for many years and teaches a World Music class at McHenry County College in Crystal Lake Illinois.

November 4, 2024

Meeting and Program





Leonetta Rizzi shared information about the McHenry County Mental Health Board which
is a special purpose unit of government whose mission is to lead and contract for quality
behavioral health and intellectual/developmental disability services in McHenry County.
Leonetta has been the Executive Director of the McHenry County Mental Health Board
(MCMHB) since January 2022.

October 7, 2024

Meeting and Program

Janelle Crowley presenting to our Branch









Dr. Janelle Crowley is an active retired Human Resources Officer. She shared her observations working in higher education, along with the effects of population trends and technology on both students and universities/colleges.

Dr. Crowley currently serves at the pleasure of the President as the Chief of Staff for Governors State University. She has served as the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) for higher education in Wisconsin and Illinois, where she provided leadership and management for organizations from 1,200 to 3,400 employees.


September 9, 2024
Meeting and Program
Welcome back!

Margarita Rivera from IMC








Esperanza Gonzalez, Vice President of the Illinois Migrant Council, and Margarita Rivera (pictured) explained what the Illinois Migrant Council does. They also shared some individual stories, challenges, and how women’s empowerment is an important part of their mission.